Final Class Projects Visual Analytics Course

This is a list of the final projects on this class. Each group was tasked to develop a Visual Analytics tool to help solve a real problem from a real user. The students successfully worked through the problems of obtaining and cleaning real data, and more importantly extracting real value from them.

Here is a list of the projects grouped by topics:



Time Project
6:00 PM Introduction
6:12 PM Public expenditure in Colombia
6:24 PM Free Housing and Social Interest Project
6:36 PM Surgical Reoperations in Military Central Hospital of Bogota
6:48 PM Traffic tickets vs Car crashes
7:00 PM Who dominates the Council of Bogotá and how?
7:12 PM Deforestation in Colombia
7:36 PM Coffee Break
7:48 PM Bogota Schools Environments
8:00 PM Colombian Presidential Elections 2018
8:12 PM Fulbright Scholarships in Colombia
8:24 PM Cell Phones Theft in the city of Bogotá, Colombia
8:36 PM Colombian stock market visualization
