Marks and Channels

Visual Analytics Framework

John Alexis Guerra Gómez| ja.guerrag[at]| @duto_guerra

Based onslides from Tamara Munzner

Marks and channels

What marks and channels?

What marks and channels?

What marks and channels?

What marks and channels?

Effectiveness and Expressiveness


  • Visual encoding should express all of, and only, the information in the dataset
  • Ordered data should be shown in a way we perceive as ordered
  • Match channel and data characteristics


Encode most important attributes with highest ranked channels

[Automating the Design of Graphical Presentations of Relational Information. Mackinlay. ACM Trans. on Graphics (TOG) 5:2 (1986), 110–141]

Where does the ranking come from?

  • Accuracy
  • Discriminability
  • Separability
  • Popout