Marks and Channels

Visual Analytics Framework

John Alexis Guerra Gómez| ja.guerrag[at]| @duto_guerra
Jose Tiberio Hernández | jhernand[at]
Universidad de los Andes

Based onslides from Tamara Munzner

Marks and channels

What marks and channels?

What marks and channels?

What marks and channels?

What marks and channels?

Effectiveness and Expressiveness


  • Visual encoding should express all of, and only, the information in the dataset
  • Ordered data should be shown in a way we perceive as ordered
  • Match channel and data characteristics


Encode most important attributes with highest ranked channels

[Automating the Design of Graphical Presentations of Relational Information. Mackinlay. ACM Trans. on Graphics (TOG) 5:2 (1986), 110–141]

Where does the ranking come from?

  • Accuracy
  • Discriminability
  • Separability
  • Popout

Reusable components on D3