Please complete the
course evaluations
Random Questions
- Tell me one important component of web design
- What is typography matching
- What is usability
- What is consistency in web design?
Basic Design Principles
- Proximity
- Alignment
- Repetition
- Contrast
- Do group related items together
- Avoid equal whitespace between unrelated
The Non-Designer’s Design Book, 4th ed. Robin Williams, Peachpit Press, 2015.
- Do find/make strong line, stick to it
- Avoid automatic centering
The Non-Designer’s Design Book, 4th ed. Robin Williams, Peachpit Press, 2015.
- Do unify by pushing existing consistencies
The Non-Designer’s Design Book, 4th ed. Robin Williams, Peachpit Press, 2015.
- If not identical, then very different
- Avoid similar
The Non-Designer’s Design Book, 4th ed. Robin Williams, Peachpit Press, 2015.
Web Design Fundamentals
or the very basics of it
Precedence and placement
- What do you want users to do first?
- What are your goals/users?
Font Families
- Sans Serif
- Serif
- Cursive
- Monospace
- Others
Color Palettes
- Complementary colors
- Homogeneous colors
- Triads
- Analogous
- Monochromatic
- Adobe Color CC
Usability Testing
Usability Testing preparation
- Create a task list
- Get a consent form
- Plan the questions
- Run the test on yourself
- Open non-biased call for participants
Usability Testing steps
- Consent
- User is not being tested
- Try not to bias the user
- Ask user to think aloud
- Post-study survey
Likert Scale
What do you think?
- Strongly disagree
- disagree
- ok
- agree
- Strongly agree
More about likert scales
- Can be 3, 5, 7 or more responses
- Continuous or Discrete
- Middle response is the balance
- Mechanical Turk
- Behavior logs
- A/B Testing
- Controlled Experiments
- Expert reviews