Class Objectives
At the end of the class you should be able to:
- Build a modern web application
- Be able to learn new web technologies
- Understand web architectures
- Love/Hate the professor
- JavaScript
- Node.js
- MySQL, Mongo
- Basic Web design
- Usability
- Web Accessibility
- Security
- Meteor + React
- Testing
- Public APIs, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram
- Scalability
- Backend as a service
- Desktop Apps with JS
- Mobile Apps
- Asynchronous materials
- You read them on your own
- Mandatory
- Must tweet comments before class
- Synchronous materials
- Discussions
- Advanced topics
- Random questions (participation)
Comments before class
- Must be interesting and original
- Tweet using #WebDev @Uniandes
- Count as part of the participation grade
- 2pts Original and interesting
- 1pts Interesting
- 0pts Non-interesting
- Coding (that's what we do in CS)
- Github and Twitter accounts (fill the form on the class website)
- Lot's of enthusiasm
Concept |
% |
two Exams |
30% |
Projects |
50% |
Participation |
20% |
- One short project – Individually
- Three short projects - Pairs
- One final project - Pairs
More about projects
- All code to Github, MIT License
- We are going to do Code Reviews
- Class presentation
- All projects are due 24hrs before class
- Then you code review one of your classmates'
- Mostly open topic
Ethics and Code of conduct
- Zero tolerance to fraud
- Total respect
- No mockery
- No bullying
- No discrimination
Class participation
- Ask questions
- Bring over interesting topics
- Teach us stuff! ;)
My home page
- DB: None
- Backend: Apache
- Frontend: Bootstrap
My PhD Thesis
- DB: Postgresql
- Backend: DJango (Python) + Apache
- Frontend: D3.js + Bootstrap + JQuery
- DB: Plain text files
- Backend: DJango | Standalone Twitter API listener
- Frontend: D3.js + Bootstrap.js
My home page
- DB: None
- Backend: Apache
- Frontend: D3.js + Bootstrap.js + Facebook API
Auto Album Organizer
Auto Album Organizer
- DB: File System
- Backend: None
- Frontend: D3.js
- Running as a desktop app with NW.js
My home page
- DB: Mongo
- Backend: Meteor
- Backend: Meteor + React.js
Required Readings Next session